Academic rank: 
+ 250 788683086
Published Papers : 

"Mukashema, I., Hahirwa,G.J.,  Hakizamungu, A., &  Havugintwari, L. (2021). A Qualitative Research Approaches to Psychosocial Well-Being and Mental Health in Marriage and Family within pre-genocide Rwandan society. In I. Mukashema. (Ed.). (Out in July 2021), Psychosocial Well-Being and Mental Health of Individuals in Marital and in Family Relationships in Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda. Palgrave Macmillan/ Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-74559-2.

Mukashema, I., Hahirwa,G.J.,  Hakizamungu, A., &  Havugintwari, L. (2021). An overview of the characteristics of marital life in traditional Rwandan society. In I. Mukashema. (Ed.). (Out in July 2021), Psychosocial Well-Being and Mental Health of Individuals in Marital and in Family Relationships in Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda. Palgrave Macmillan/ Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-74559-2. 

Mukashema, I., Hahirwa,G.J.,  Hakizamungu, A., &  Havugintwari, L. (2021). Determinants of marital happiness as a dimension of marital quality in ancient Rwandan society. In I. Mukashema. (Ed.). (Out in July 2021), Psychosocial Well-Being and Mental Health of Individuals in Marital and in Family Relationships in Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda. Palgrave Macmillan/ Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-74559-2. 

Mukashema, I., Hahirwa,G.J.,  Hakizamungu, A., &  Havugintwari, L. (2021). Socio-cultural causes of marriage destruction in the ancient Rwandan society. In I. Mukashema. (Ed.). (Out in July 2021), Psychosocial Well-Being and Mental Health of Individuals in Marital and in Family Relationships in Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda. Palgrave Macmillan/ Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-74559-2. 

Mukashema, I., Hahirwa,G.J.,  Hakizamungu, A., &  Havugintwari, L. (2021). Protective factors of marriage lastingness in the traditional Rwandan society. In I. Mukashema. (Ed.). (Out in July 2021), Psychosocial Well-Being and Mental Health of Individuals in Marital and in Family Relationships in Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda. Palgrave Macmillan/ Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-74559-2. 

Mukashema, I., Hahirwa,G.J.,  Hakizamungu, A., &  Havugintwari, L. (2021). Prevention and management of destructive marital conflict in pre-genocide Rwandan society. In I. Mukashema. (Ed.). (Out in July 2021), Psychosocial Well-Being and Mental 
Health of Individuals in Marital and in Family Relationships in Pre- and Post-Genocide Rwanda. Palgrave Macmillan/ Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-74559-2."

Brief profile: 
Mr. Lambert Havugintwari holds an MA in Development Studies. He has been working for the University of Rwanda since 2006 and his research interest is in the area of social phenomena vis-à-vis the achievement of SDGs.
Research Area: 
Social phenomena in the achievement of SDGs