Academic rank:
Published Papers :
"*Shumbusho, R., Ghataora, G. and Burrow, M.P., 2018. The mitigation of longitudinal cracks on low-volume road pavements built over expansive soils, 2018 IRF/SARF/PIARC Regional conference for Africa. Durban, 9th - 11th October 2018.
*Burrow, M., Ghataora, G., Shumbusho, R., Bopoto, C. and Lema, C., 2018, October. Appraising the impact of rural road maintenance in Sub Saharan Africa. In 2018 SARAF/IRF/PIARC: regional conference for Africa (p. 34).
*Shumbusho, R., Ghataora, G., Burrow, M. and Rwabuhungu, D.R., 2021, The use of geogrids in mitigating pavement defects on roads built over expansive soils. Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment
Brief profile:
Richard Shumbusho holds bachelor's degree of civil engineering with first class honors from University of Rwanda and master's degree in geotechnical engineering with distinction from University of Birmingham both of which are the highest awards in those programs. Richard has experience both in academia and industry and his experience and expertise extend across subjects such as slope stability; road construction; ground investigation; concrete works; ground stabilization; foundations design; activities related with quarrying, crushing, and cutting rock materials; geotechnical laboratory testing and interpretation; etc. Richard also did a PhD program in civil engineering with particular emphasis on roads and geotechnics at University of Birmingham (though not received yet). The PhD subject was about the construction of roads on weak expansive soils using geosynthetics. The knowledge and expertise gained from that program (can) enable him to contribute on road project in a unique way such as when roads are to cross weak areas including marshlands.
Research Area:
Geotechnics and roads