1. Maniriho, A., Musabanganji, E., Nkikabahizi, F., Ruranga, C., and Lebailly, P. (2021). Analysis of the Determinants of Household Expenditures in Rwanda. UKH Journal of Social Sciences 5 (1): 8-17, June 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25079/ukhjss.v5n1y2021.pp8-17
2. Ruranga, C. and Hacker, S. (2020). The Determinants of Households Having Savings Accounts in Rwanda. Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business (ISSN 2708-759X (Print); ISSN 2708-7603(Online), 1 (1): 6-19, July 2020.
3. Byombi, K. V. and Ruranga, C. (2020). The effect of short-term bank loan financing on financial performance of manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Rwanda. EPRN Rwanda research paper series, Vol. 3: 21-41, June 2020.
4. Musabanganji, E., Ruranga, C., and Maniriho, A. (2019). Migration decisions among rural households in Rwanda: what does the push-and-pull model reveal? AGROFOR International Journal, 4(3): 68-75.
5. Musabanganji, E., Ruranga, C., Nzabanita, J., Nkikabahizi, F., Ndizeye, I., and Lebailly, P. (2019). Productivity and Competitiveness of Rwandan Agriculture: A Case Study of the Maize sector. AGROFOR International Journal, 4(1): 32-40.
6. Byombi, K. V. and Ruranga, C. (2019). The effect of trade credit on financial performance of manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Rwanda. EPRN Rwanda research paper series, Vol. 2: 80-92, April 2019.
7. Ruranga, C.; Mugenzi, M. and Mutabazi, A. (2018). Spatial price transmission analysis in beans and rice markets of Rwanda. Rwanda Handbook of Economic and Social Policy, Chapter 13, Vol. 1, Pages 397- 419, ISSN 1403-0462, ISBN 978-91-86345-78-5, Jönköping International Business School, January 2018.
8. Ruranga, C. and Mutabazi, A. (2015). Food Prices Transmission in Rwanda: Econometric Analysis. Rwanda Journal, Series B: Social Sciences (ISSN 2305-2678 (Print); ISSN 2305-5944), 2 (1):019-029. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/rj.v2i1.3B
9. Ruranga, C., Ocaya, B. and Kaberuka, W. (2014). VAR Analysis of Economic Growth, Domestic Investment, Foreign Direct Investment, Domestic Savings and Trade in Rwanda. Greener Journal of Economics and Accountancy (ISSN: 2276-7762), 3 (2): 030-041; July 2014.
10. Ruranga, C., Ocaya, B. and Kaberuka, W. (2014). Analysis of Rwandan Economic Performance Before and After the 1994 Genocide. African Journal of Economic Review (ISSN 1821-8148), 2(2): 001-018; July 2014.
11. Ocaya, B., Ruranga, C. and Kaberuka, W. (2013). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Rwanda: A Time Series Analysis, Journal of Business Management and Corporate Affairs (ISSN 2354-3469), 2(1): 11-18; January 2013.
12. Ocaya, B., Ruranga, C. and Kaberuka, W. (2012). Dynamic Relationship between Gross Domestic Product and Domestic Investment in Rwanda, World Journal of Education (ISSN 1925-0746(Print), ISSN 1925-0754(Online)), 2(6): 79-90. December 2012.
13. Ruranga, C. (2011). Analyse des déterminants de l’épargne nationale du Rwanda. African Union Commission (AUC), Proceedings of the Second Congress of African Economists, ISSN number: 1993-6177, Vol. 1: 17-35, November 2011. Available on http://ea.au.int/en/sites/default/files/2nd%20Congress%20Vol%201.pdf
Prof.Charles Ruranga
Academic rank:
Academic Leadership Position:
Director of the African Centre of Excellence in Data Science (ACE-DS); PI LAISDAR Project (financed by IDRC) & PI Predict project (financed by NCST)
c.ruranga@ur.ac.rw or cruranga@gmail.com
Published Papers :
Brief profile:
Prof. Charles Ruranga holds a PhD in statistics (Econometrics) from School of statistics and Planning, Makerere University in Uganda in January 2018, an MSc in Economics with two specializations Econometrics and International Economics and Finance in May 2007 from Montreal University in Canada and a BSc in Economics from National University of Rwanda in 2001. Prof. Charles is an Associate Professor of Econometrics in Department of Applied Statistics and Director of African Center of Excellence in Data Science (ACE-DS) at the University of Rwanda. Prof. Charles has been working in education sector since November 2002. Prof. Charles has over 18 years of experience in academia, research, grants development and management and consultancy. In 2015, Prof. Charles has participated as Principal Investigator (PI) in the development of grant proposal submitted to the World Bank for the establishment of the African Center of Excellence in Data Science (ACE-DS) and the University of Rwanda won a grant of 4.5million USD. After the approval of the grant Prof. Charles has been appointed as Director of the center. Prof. Charles has also won a grant of 1,25 million CAD as MPI (Multiple Principal Investigator) financed by International Development Research Centre (IDRC) for conducting research on “Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Techniques in Harmonizing, Sharing, Accessing and Analyzing SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Data in Rwanda”, 01/10/2020-30/09/2022. Prof. Charles has also worked as Project Manager of NPT/RWA/053 project cooperation between NUFFIC, Netherlands and National University of Rwanda. Prof. Charles research interests lie in the domain of econometrics, quantitative economics, policy analysis, data management and Data analysis using different statistical techniques and software’s. Prof. Charles has experience in supervision of Masters and PhD students in their theses.
Research Area:
Econometrics, Economic Policy Analysis, Data Analysis