Dr.Mugenzi Martin

Academic rank: 
Email:martmugenzi@hotmail.com or bagiremugenzi@gmail.com,
Tel: +250787849620
Published Papers : 

The sustainable development of Rwanda. Moscow, U.R.A.P 1999, The agricultural sector as the basis for Rwandan sustainable development. Moscow, 1998, I. N. I .O. N. Russian academy of Sciences no 53274, Industry promotion strategies in Rwanda. Moscow, 1998, I.N.I.O.N. Russian academy of Sciences, no 53273.

Brief profile: 
National University of Rwanda. III.COURSES GIVEN: Economic stabilization, Development strategies and policies, Descriptive Statistics, Statistics for Economist, Mathematics for Economists, Econometrics, Operations Research, New Institutional Economics and Managerial Economics. IV. CONSULTANCIES 1.Senate Research “Edification d’un Etat de justice sociale et de bien être de la population rwandaise”. Published in 2011 (Kigali). 2.La culture Politique du Rwanda: Etudes pilote dans la Province du Sud. Editions UNR 2010. 3.Senate Research “ Political pluralism and Powersharing”. Published in 2010 (Kigali). 4.Katuna Gatuna crossing boarder trade. Published by COMESA(2009). 5.October, 2004 -October, 2005: Carried research on Genocide Ideology and its eradication, a research recommended by the Rwandan Senate. 6. 2004-2005, planning group member of the Statistics & Mathematics for Economist curricula for the «Collaborative Master’s Program in Agricultural and Applied Economics in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (CMAAE)» 7.October–December 2004: Researh on public expenses trucking survey (PETS), recommended by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planing. 8.September –October 2000: Analyst /Consultant in P.N.R.P (National Program for Poverty Reduction).
Research Area: 
Mathematical Methods Economics/International Economics