Reseach Grants

University of Rwanda - Research Grants

Title Principal Investigator Funder Research area
Tools for Evaluating African Lakes (TEAL Project) (RSIF/RA/011) Dr Gerard RUSHINGABIGWI The Internation Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) Sciences
Water Essence Africa - Creating synergy to meet the global challenges Prof KABERA Telesphore NORHED II through the University of Bergen Sciences
Sizana-Environmentally friendly transport system Dr KALISA Egide National Council of Science and Technology (NCST) Sciences
Characterizing the thermal and non-terminal groundwater mixing trends along the Virunga volcanic range and the eastern lake Kivu basin area, Rwanda Dr Leon Fidele Ruganzu Uwimbabazi National Council of Science and Technology (NCST) Sciences
SESA – Smart Energy Solutions for Africa Dr Alphonse NKURUNZIZA European Union Sciences