Reseach Grants

University of Rwanda - Research Grants

Title Principal Investigator Funder Research area
Partial Differential Equations and applications (PDEAAPP) Dr BANZI Wellars ISP/ Uppsala University Sciences
Embedded exact quantum dynamics for photocatalytic water splitting Dr Steve Alexandre Ndengue Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) Sciences
Children's Exposure to Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution within the SHEAR Project in Rwanda Dr Egide KALISA NIH Sciences
Building resilient working landscapes in Rwanda: Promoting indigenous trees as an alternative sustainable wood supply for the timber industry Prof Beth Kaplin National Council of Science and Technology (NCST) Sciences
Enhancement of production technology and quality of rwandan traditional beers "ikigage" by optimization process incorporating the innovative local raw materials "Dr Francois Lyumugabe National Council of Science and Technology (NCST) Sciences