Assessment of the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 in Rwanda: Findings from a country survey,preliminary analysis to inform further global research
Support for monitoring Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health and Nutrition (RMNCHN) outcomes in Global Financing Facility countries
"Exemplars in Global Health: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Examplars (ASHER) Health Exemplars (ASHER) Project."
e-Ruhuka: An E-Mental Healthcare Architecture as an Innovative Solution to Promote an Alternative and Conventional Support in Rwanda Category
Adressing the research capacity gap in global child and adolescent health disparities utilizing implementation and data sciences among vulnerable population in Resource-limited settings (ACHIEVE)
Expending research capacity in family Planning (FP), comphrensive aborvation care (CAC), and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHS)