"1. I. Mahara, C. Kurujyibwami and V. Nyagahakwa, Light--like parallel vector fields and Einstein equations of gravity,
2. J.D. Maniraguha, K. Marciniak and C. Kurujyibwami, Transforming St\""ackel Hamiltonians of Benenti
type to polynomial form, arXiv:2101.00444v1, 16 pp,
3.. Kurujyibwami and R.O. Popovych, Equivalence groupoids and group classification of multidimensional nonlinear Schr\""odinger equations, {\it J. Math. Anal. Appl.} {\bf 491} (2020), arXiv:2003.02781, 35pp arXiv:2104.03805, 9 pp,
4.C. Kurujyibwami, P. Basarab-Horwath and R.O. Popovych, Algebraic method for group classification of (1+1)-dimensional linear Schr\""odinger equations, {\it Acta Appl. Math.} {\bf 157} (2018), 171--203, arXiv:1607.04118, 33pp,
5.C. Kurujyibwami, Equivalence groupoid for (1+2)-dimensional linear Schr\""odinger equations with complex potentials, {\it J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.} {\bf 621} (2015) 012008, 7pp,
6.C. Kurujyibwami, Admissible transformations and the group classification of Schr\""odinger equations, Doctoral Thesis, Link\""oping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertation No. 1846, Link\""oping University, (2017)~diva-portal.org ,
7.C. Kurujyibwami, Group classification of multidimensional Schr\""odinger equations with potential and modular nonlinearity, Proceedings of the third EAUMP conference: Advances in Mathematics and its applications, (2016), Makerere University, Kampala, 22 pp,
8.C. Kurujyibwami, Group classification of linear Schr\""odinger equations, Licentiate Thesis, Link\""oping Studies in Science and Technology. Thesis No. 1743,Link\""oping University, (2016)/~ diva-portal.org"