Academic rank: 
Academic Leadership Position: 
Deputy Dean of School of Law- CASS
Published Papers : 

P Habimana, ‘The Polarities of Tax Competition’ (2021) The Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 12(2), pp. 314-331; P Habimana, ‘In Search of the Boundaries between Harmless and Harmful Tax Competition’ (2021) Amsterdam Law Forum 13(1), pp. 37-56;

P Habimana, ‘The regulation of harmful tax competition in the EAC: current status, challenges, and ways forward’ (2020) KAS African Law Study Library 7(4), pp. 601-620;

P Habimana, ‘Tax Competition: Global but Virgin under Rwanda Law’ (2020) Recht in Afrika 23(1), pp. 41-55;

P Habimana, ‘When the tax administration feels the burn of aggressive tax planning but cannot catch up to its fire’ (2020) Rwanda Law Journal (1), pp. 73-93;

P Habimana, Tax Law and Public Finance in Rwanda (L’Harmattan 2015); P Habimana, ‘EAC (East African Community) Legal Base and Legal Possibilities to Influence the Settlement of Regional Disputes’ (2013) KAS African Law Study Library (18), pp. 53-72.

Brief profile: 
Dr Pie HABIMANA holds a PhD in International Tax Law from the world-prestigious Leiden Law School of Leiden University; a Master’s degree in Business Law (cum laude, UR), a Bachelor’s degree in Law (cum laude, UR), a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (UR), a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (ILPD), and several trainings in the Netherlands, Nigeria, Benin, and Uganda. In academia, Dr Pie Habimana is nationally recognized as a champion of jurisprudence in tax law. In addition to teaching corporate taxation and international trade law (postgraduate), tax law and private international law (undergraduate) at the University of Rwanda, he authored numerous research papers published in reputable journals. Dr Pie Habimana has also guest lectured at various universities and institutions of higher learning such as the Rwanda National Police College, the Institute of Legal Practice and Development, the Kigali Independent University, and the Kigali Health Institute. In legal industry, Dr Pie Habimana is an internationally active, industrious and purpose driven scholar. He is a member and on the panel of domestic arbitrators of the Kigali International Arbitration Centre (KIAC), a member of the Rwanda Bar Association (RBA), the East Africa Law Society (EALS), the International Bar Association (IBA), and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK). Dr Pie Habimana sits on the boards of several institutions including Cogebanque Plc, the Rwanda Bar Association, the East Africa Law Society, and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Rwanda. Dr Pie is fluent in English, French, and Kinyarwanda.
Research Area: 
International tax law, tax law and tax procedures, international trade law, corporate law and governance