Academic rank:
Academic Leadership Position:
Departmental QA
otindoh@yahoo.com ,nondohisaiah@gmail.com
Brief profile:
"Otieno Nondoh is a Research and Practice Fellow in the Political Economy Analysis of Education. He is a facaulty in Creative Design at the University of Rwanda. His research interest areas are; Education in Emergencies (EiE) particularly refugee education in conflict-affected states, Art education in refugee camps, inclusive education, Higher education and community- engagement, and strategies of promoting sustainable development initiatives particularly the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals in Africa.
He has eleven years of experience in teaching in Higher Education. During this period, he has actively participated in the implementation and reviews of the departmental curriculum (Creative Design Department) which made its courses more relevant to job market demands, proper University-Industry linkages and increased community engagements.
Otieno is an expert in Fine Art education, teacher education and art therapy. He has been recognized through certificates and badges from United Nations University- Institute of Advanced Study of Sustainability, and Humanitarian Leadership Academy respectively.
Research Area:
SDGs, Refugee Education