1. Edward K. Mwesigye (2019): “Social Media and Information Literacy among the Youth in Rwanda” (Book chapter 14) in “Education in Contemporary Africa, Edited by Maurice N. Amutabi; ISBN 978-9966-116-69-7, published by the Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya.
2. Edward K. Mwesigye,(2018) Media and peace building: Valuating youths’ perceptions on media’s contributions to peace building in Rwanda (Book Chapter 19) in “Dynamics of Education in Africa”, Edited by Maurice N. Amutabi, ISBN 978-9966-116-78-9, published by the Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya.
3. Edward K. Mwesigye, Twarabamenye, Marie Christine D. Simbizi, Article on Economics of climate change in Rwanda available at https://www.weadapt.org/sites/weadapt.org/files/legacy-new/knowledge-bas...