"Peer-reviewed journal articles
1. Njuguna, J (2021). Constructions of Moral Values in Reader Comments of the Samantha Sex Robot Discourse in East African Newspapers. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 10, 382–403
2. Njuguna, J, Mberia, H and Jjuuko, M (2021). Do digital skills development factors predict the online journalism readiness of mass communication students? Journal of Journalism Education, 10(1), 46-59.
3. Njuguna, J. (2021), ‘Online-ready? Factor structure and internal consistency of a scale to measure students’ online journalism self-efficacy’, Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, doi: https://doi.org/10.1386/ajms_00046_1
4. Njuguna J. (2020) Work-integrated Digital Learning Experiences and Students’ Efficacy for Online Journalism Work. International Journal of Digital Society, 11(2), 1627-1636.
5. Njuguna, J and Jjuuko, M. (2020). A framing analysis of mainstream newspaper coverage of the 2013 ‘Coalition of the Willing’ initiative in East Africa. Journal of African Media Studies, 12 (3) pp. 241–254.
6. Njuguna, J, Mberia, H and Jjuuko, M (2020). Role of social media habits in online journalism efficacy beliefs of mass communication students. African Journal of Communication (3)
7. Njuguna, J., Mberia, H.K. & Jjuuko, M. (2020). Influence of attitudes to social media use in professional learning on students’ online journalism self-efficacy beliefs. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South. 4(2): 160-179. https://doi.org/10.36615/sotls.v4i2.134.
8. Njuguna, J and Jjuuko, M (2020) Online behaviour as predictive of professional online work Readiness Among Mass Communication Students. International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development, 12(2), 48-61.
9. Njuguna, J (2020) Training factors as predictors of students’ self-efficacy beliefs for online journalism practice. IAFOR Journal of Education: Technology in Education, 8(2), 141-157.
10. Jjuuko, M and Njuguna, J (2019). Confronting the challenges of Journalism Education in Rwanda in the context of educational reforms. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) in the South, 3(2), 49-67.
11. Njuguna, J and Jjuuko, M (2019). Online journalism education in Rwanda: students find value in the experiential learning approach. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) in the South, 3(2), 84-101.
12. Jjuuko, M, Njuguna, J. and Shafer, R. (2017). Plagiarism among journalism students as a predictor of unethical professional practices: an exploratory case study of Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan. The Journal of Development Communication, 28(1-2), 34-51.
Book chapters
1. Njuguna, J (2020) Mainstreaming children in development: a thematic frame analysis of print media discourse in East Africa. In Olusola (2020) (ed) Media and its role in protecting the rights of children in Africa, IGI global, USA.
2. Jjuuko, M. and Njuguna, J (2019). The discourse of digital inclusion of women in Rwanda: a thematic frame analysis of Imvaho Nshya and The New Times dailies. In Musvairo, B and Massimo, R. (2019) (Eds.). Mapping the digital divide in Africa: A mediated analysis, Amsterdam University Press.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Njuguna, J. (2020) Are journalism students confident to work ethically online? The predictive role of Social Network Sites usage behaviour and gender differences In Ayerdi, Fernandez & Ureta (eds) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Online journalism, held at Bilbao (Spain), from 9-11 November 2020. ISBN: 978-84-1319-284-0."