"Indexed peer-reviewed articles
1. Rutayisire, Paul, Charles Kabwete Mulinda, Philibert Gakwenzire, & Florent Piton. 2021. “Écrire l’histoire du génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda à partir de sources locales. Entretien avec Paul Rutayisire, Charles Kabwete Mulinda et Philibert Gakwenzire.” Sources. Materials & Fieldwork in African Studies no. 3: 257–281. https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/SOURCES/halshs-03443804. (ISSN: 2708-7034)
2. Charles Mulinda Kabwete 2021. The Multiple Benefits of Testimony for Local Reconciliation in Rwanda. Mgbakoigba, Journal of African Studies, Volume 9, No. 1, December 2021. (ISSN: 2346-7126) available in AJOL.
3. Anne Marie Kagwesage, A. M; Mulinda, Charles Kabwete, Kambanda, Safari & Murenzi, Janvier. (2020). Reflections of Rwandan Mature Women Students on the Contribution of University Studies in Improving Individual and Community Lives. Journal of Popular Education in Africa. 4(10), 133 – 148. (ISSN 2523-2800 (online)). My individual contribution: co-author.
4. Kabwete Mulinda, C., Safari Kambanda, Anne Marie Kagwesage and Janvier Murenzi, 2020. Fighting Intellectual Marginalization through Critical Thinking: A Glimpse at Mature Women’s Tertiary Education in Rwanda. Research in Post-compulsory Education, 25:1, 68-90, DOI: 10.1080/13596748.2020.1720168. (Print ISSN: 1359-6748 Online ISSN: 1747-5112) available in Scopus list, and in Taylor and Francis. My individual contribution: main author.
5. Nkaka Raphael and Charles Kabwete Mulinda 2020. Sacred Kingship and Political Power in Ancient Rwanda. Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business, 1: 1, 20-32, ISSN 2708-759X (Print); ISSN 2708-7603 (Online), https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/rjsshb.v1i1.3, available in AJOL. My individual contribution: co-author.
6. Kabwete Mulinda, C., Gisaro M. ya Bititi, and Emmanuel Mushimiyimana, 2019. A History of Technological Innovations of Gakinjiro Wood and Metal Workshops, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 11, 1.https://doi.org/10.1080/20421338.2018.1550928 (ISSN: 2042-1338 (Print) 2042-1346 (Online)) available in Scopus List, and in Taylor and Francis. My individual contribution: main author.
7. Kabwete Mulinda, C., 2018. Towards Justice and Reconciliation in Post-conflict Countries: Meaningful Concepts and Possible Realities, African Journal on Conflict Resolution, 16, 1, pp. 65-91. (ISSN 1562-6997) available in DHET List
8. Kabwete Mulinda C. and Raphael Nkaka, 2017. The political vision of the Rwandan kingdom, Rwanda Journal of Arts and Humanities, Volume 2 (2), pp. 59-75, https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/rj.v2i2.6A, (print ISSN: 2305-2678), available in AJOL. My individual contribution: main author.
9. Kabwete Mulinda C. and Raphael Nkaka. 2017. Royauté sacrée et pouvoir politique dans l’ancien Rwanda.Afrika Zamani, No. 25, pp. 1-20. (ISSN 0850-3079) published by CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa). My individual contribution: main author.
10. Kabwete Mulinda, C., “On Cultural and Academic Exchanges Between China And African Countries”, Rwanda JournalSeries B: Social Sciences, 2 (1) 2015, pp. 5-18.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/rj.v2i1.2B.(ISSN 2305-2678 (Print); ISSN 2305-5944 (Online)) available in AJOL
11. Rutayisire P. and Kabwete Mulinda, C., “The Role of History and Political Studies in Post-Genocide Reconstruction and Development”, Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1/2, 2013, pp. 4-18.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5038/2325-484X.2.1.2 (Online ISSN: 2325-484X. Print ISSN: 1996-3157). My individual contribution: co-author.
12. Kabwete Mulinda, C., “Public Holidays in Post-Independence Rwanda: A Historical Reading”, Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1/2, 2013, pp. 96-119.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5038/2325-484X.2.1.9(Online ISSN: 2325-484X. Print ISSN: 1996-3157)
13. Kabwete, Mulinda, C., “The Church and the Colonial State in two films: Documentary on the Baptism of the King of Rwanda and The consecration of Bishop Bigirumwami”, Mgbakoigba, Journal of African Studies, Volume 1, No. 1, 2012, pp. 21-35. (ISSN: 2346-7126) available in AJOL
14. Kabwete Mulinda, C., “Le sauvetage de quelques rescapés du génocide des Tutsi dans les communes Gishamvu et Kigembe au Rwanda », in Etudes Rwandaises, n°13, Août 2007, pp. 104-141. (ISSN: 1014-4874)
15. Kabwete Mulinda, C., “Chapter Review: Lemarchand, R., “Comparing the killing fields: Rwanda, Cambodia and Bosnia”, pp. 141-173, in Jansen, S.L.B. (ed.), Genocide Cases, Comparisons and Contemporary Debates, Copenhagen, The Danish Center for the Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 2003”, in Etudes Rwandaises, no 9, Septembre 2005, pp. 163-171. (ISSN: 1014-4874)
16. Kanimba Misago, C. et Kabwete Mulinda, C. « Innovations dans le domaine de la métallurgie au Rwanda » in Etudes rwandaises, 1, Série Lettres et sciences humaines, Juillet 2000, pp. 138-171. (ISSN 1014-4874). My individual contribution: co-author.
17. Kabwete Mulinda, C., """"Démocratie comme élément de propagande des partis politiques, de 1959 à1962"""", in Etudes rwandaises, 1, Série Lettres et sciences humaines, Juillet 2000, pp.104-119. (ISSN 1014-4874)
18. Bernhard Heeb and Charles Mulinda Kabwete (eds.). Human Remains from the Former German Colony of East Africa. Recontextualization and Approaches for Restitution. Berlin, Böhlau, Forthcoming publication for Spring 2022, ISBN 978-3-412-52344-2.
Book Chapters
19. Charles Mulinda Kabwete, Maurice Mugabowagahunde and Jérôme Karangwa, The Colonial Context in which African and Rwandan Human Remains were Collected, chapter 5 in Bernhard Heeb and Charles Mulinda Kabwete (eds.). Human Remains from the Former German Colony of East Africa. Recontextualization and Approaches for Restitution. Berlin, Böhlau, Forthcoming publication for Spring 2022, ISBN 978-3-412-52344-2.
20. Maurice Mugabowagahunde, Charles Mulinda Kabwete and Jérôme Karangwa, Reconstructing The Provenance of Rwandan Human Remains at Local Level, Chapter 6 in Bernhard Heeb and Charles Mulinda Kabwete (eds.). Human Remains from the Former German Colony of East Africa. Recontextualization and Approaches for Restitution. Berlin, Böhlau, Forthcoming publication for Spring 2022, ISBN 978-3-412-52344-2.
21. Jérôme Karangwa, Charles Mulinda Kabwete, Maurice Mugabowagahunde, and Jean de la Croix Nkurayija, Possibilities of Restitution of Rwandan Ancestors’ Human Remains and Issues of Repatriation, Reparation and Memorialisation, Chapter 8 in Bernhard Heeb and Charles Mulinda Kabwete (eds.). Human Remains from the Former German Colony of East Africa. Recontextualization and Approaches for Restitution. Berlin, Böhlau, Forthcoming publication for Spring 2022, ISBN 978-3-412-52344-2.
22. Kabwete, Mulinda, C., « Chapter 7. Rwanda during the transitional period (July 1994-September 2003 », in Deo Byanafashe and Paul Rutayisire (eds.), History of Rwanda, from origins up to the end of the 20th century, Kigali, NURC, 2016.(ISBN: 978-99977-709-6-7)
23. Kabwete Mulinda C., « Crossing the Frontier as a Way of Escape. Examples taken from the Gishamvu and Kigembe Communities of Rwanda”, Chapter 21 in Jacques Sémelin, Claire Andrieu, Sarah Gensburger (eds.), Resisting Genocide: The Multiple Forms of Rescue, Columbia, Hurst & Co Publishers, 2011. (ISBN: 978-1-84904-059-4)
24. Kabwete Mulinda, Charles, “Témoignage d’un chercheur et enseignant d’histoire sur la disponibilité, l’accès et l’utilisation des archives du Rwanda,” in: Tallier, Pierre-Alain and Eyenga-Cornelis, Sabine Bompuku (eds.), Africa Europe Archives Requirements? Collaborations? Plans? DR Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Belgium (Bruxelles: Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, 2013), 117–122. ISBN: 9789057465932.