Center for Conflict Management
Prof.Masabo Francois
Recent publications are:
1) « healing fractured lives: reconciliation and reintegration in Rwanda, in 2012, (ISBN 978-1-906677-96-1);
2) Educating about the History of Genocides in Rwanda in Fracapane Karel and Matthias Haß, 2014, Holocaust education in a global context, UNESCO, pp 129-134. (ISBN 978-92-3-100042-3);
Dr.Peter J. Mugume
1. Peter Mugume (2021) Peace and Security in Central Africa Region (forthcoming) in The the Palgrave Handbook of Sustainable Peace and Security in Africa, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
2. Malin Hasselskog, Peter J. Mugume, Eric Ndushabandi and Isabella Schierenbeck (2016) National ownership and donor involvement: an aid paradox illustrated by the case of Rwanda, Third World Quorterly, DOI:10.1080/01436597.2016,1256763
3. Environmental conflicts Management in Rwanda: The Role of Decentralization (PhD thesis 2015)
UWINEZA Marie Rosine
1. Nzitatira, Hollie Nyseth, and John Gasana Gasasira. "Identities and Interactions: Reentry and Reintegration after Incarceration for Genocide." American Journal of Sociology 129, no. 4 (2024): 1136-1171.
2. Fox, Nicole, Hollie Nyseth Brehm, and John Gasana Gasasira. "The impact of religious beliefs, practices, and social networks on Rwandan rescue efforts during genocide." Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal 15, no. 1 (2021): 9.
Innocent Rugaragu
Shema Emmanuel
Musafiri Elly
1. Musafii, E. (2015). La recherche-action avec le Students’ Club for Unity and Reconciliation Rutayisire P., and Roland J., (Eds) in Citoyenneté et réconciliation au Rwanda, Geneva : Haute Ecole de travail social, (pp.112-124)
2.Musafiri, E. & Vat Kamatsiko (2012). Journaling for Peace: Children's Energetic Voices on Peace, Conflict and Peacebuilding. Nairobi: World Vision
3. Musafii, E. (2013). Curbing down Genocide Ideology: Rwanda’s experiences and External Conspiracy. Kigali: IPN. Dialogue No 24, 2013