College of Business and Economics(CBE)

Dr.Roger Muremyi

1. Prediction of out-of-pocket health expenditures in Rwanda using machine learning techniques
2. Analysis of the effect of health insurance on health care utilization in Rwanda: a secondary data analysis of Rwanda integrated living condition survey 2016-2017 (EICV 5)

Dr.Mugenzi Martin

The sustainable development of Rwanda. Moscow, U.R.A.P 1999, The agricultural sector as the basis for Rwandan sustainable development. Moscow, 1998, I. N. I .O. N. Russian academy of Sciences no 53274, Industry promotion strategies in Rwanda. Moscow, 1998, I.N.I.O.N. Russian academy of Sciences, no 53273.

Dr Paul Gatabazi

[1] P Gatabazi, G Kabera, JC Mba, E Pindza and SF Melesse (2022).  Cryptocurrencies and     tokens lifetime analysis from 2009 to 2021, Economies, 10 (3) 60.                                                                                          

Aussi Sayinzoga

Sayinzoga, A., Bulte, E. H., & Lensink, R. (2016). Financial literacy and financial behaviour: Experimental evidence from rural Rwanda. The economic journal, 126(594), 1571-1599. 
Sayinzoga, A., & Simson, R. (2006). Monetary policy in Rwanda: A cointegration analysis. South African Journal of Economics, 74(1), 65-78.

Prof.Charles Ruranga

1.    Maniriho, A., Musabanganji, E., Nkikabahizi, F., Ruranga, C., and Lebailly, P. (2021). Analysis of the Determinants of Household Expenditures in Rwanda. UKH Journal of Social Sciences 5 (1): 8-17, June 2021. DOI: 
2.    Ruranga, C. and Hacker, S. (2020). The Determinants of Households Having Savings Accounts in Rwanda. Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business (ISSN 2708-759X (Print); ISSN 2708-7603(Online), 1 (1): 6-19, July 2020.