Academic rank:
Academic Leadership Position:
Ag Director, Centre for Legal Aid and Mediation
+250 786 384 952
Published Papers :
“Implementing the Plant Treaty’s multilateral system of access and benefit-sharing in Rwanda: Background analysis, recommendations and draft legal text for consideration, 2018, Bioversity International, Rome and Rwanda Agriculture Board, Kigali”.
Brief profile:
Marie Rose Turamwishimiye is a Lecturer in the School of Law, University of Rwanda and serves as Acting Director of the Centre for Legal Aid and Mediation (CLAM) of the University of Rwanda. She holds a PhD in Public Law (Environmental Law) from University of Cape Town-South Africa. She teaches Law of Persons (Family Law), International Labour Law, Legal Clinic and Environmental, Energy and Natural Resources Law. Her research interests include family law, domestic and international environmental law, biodiversity law and international labour law. As Director of CLAM, she provides direction and leadership of the Centre, coordinates legal aid provision activities, and coordinates students’ supervision in the Module of Legal Clinic.
Research Area:
National and International Environmental Law, Biodiversity Law, Family Law, International Labour Law