"Under review
i. Kanyange R., Uwizeye D., Ghasi Razak, (under review). ""Leaving no one behind”: A qualitative study of Barriers to healthcare access among the urban poor in Kigali, Rwanda"" Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. (Manuscript ID: JHCPU-Sep-2020-OP-0577).
Published papers
i. Niragire, F., Ndikumana, C., Nyirahabimana, M.G. and Uwizeye D. (2021). Prevalence and factors associated with fertility desire among HIV-positive women in Rwanda in the context of improved life expectancy. Arch Public Health 79, 209. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13690-021- 00742-w
ii. Uwizeye, D., Karimi, F., Thiong, C., Syonguvi, J., Ochieng, V., Kiroro, F. M., Gateri, A., Khisa, A. M., & Wao, H. (2021). Factors associated with research productivity in higher education institutions in Africa : a systematic review. AAS Open Research, 2021 May 26;4:26. https:doi.org/10.12688/aasopenres.13211.1
iii. Kantarama E., Uwizeye D., & Mselle T. (2021). Microalbuminuria among Type 2 Diabetes Patients at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences. Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021 https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/rjmhs.v4i1.7 Page 3 of 10
iv. Doughty, K., Uwizeye, D., & Uwimana, E. (2021). Methane Extraction on Lake Kivu: Green Extractive Humanitarianism. African Studies Review, 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1017/asr.2020.69
v. Uwizeye, D., Irambeshya, A., & Wiehler, S. (2020). Poverty profile and efforts to access basic household needs in an emerging city : a mixed- method study in Kigali’ s informal urban settlements , Rwanda. Cities & Health, 00(00), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/23748834.2020.17643
vi. Uwizeye, D., Muhayiteto, R., Wiehler, S., Kantarama, E., & Murangwa, Y. (2020). Prevalence of Teenage Pregnancy and the Associated Contextual Correlates in Rwanda. Heliyon, an Elsevier Journal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05037
vii. Uwizeye D, Karimi F, Otukpa E, Ngware MW, Wao H, Igumbor JO & Fonn S (2020). Increasing collaborative research output between early-career health researchers in Africa: lessons from the CARTA fellowship program. Global Health Action, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/16549716.2020.1768795
viii. Igumbor, J. O., Bosire, E. N., Basera, T. J., Uwizeye, D., Fayehun, O., Wao, H., … Fonn, S. (2020). CARTA fellows’ scientific contribution to the African public and population Health Research agenda (2011 to 2018). BMC Public Health, 1–9. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09147-w
ix. Uwizeye, D. & Sokoni, CH. (2016). What is missing to ensure improved water use in informal urban settlements? Waterlines Vol. 35 No.4. https://dx.doi.org/10.3362/1756- 3488.2016.026
x. Uwizeye D., Sokoni CH. & Kabiru CW. (2014). Prevalence and Correlates for Diarrhoea in the Mountainous Informal Settlements of Huye Town, Rwanda. SpringerPlus, 3(745). DOI: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-745 xi. Adedokun B., Nyasulu P., Maseko F., Adedini S., Akinyemi J., Uwizeye D., . . . Otwombe, K. (2014). Sharing Perspectives and Experiences of Doctoral Fellows in the First Cohort of Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa: 2011– 2014. Global Health Action, 7(25127). DOI: 10.3402/gha.v7.25127 3.3
Book chapter and a book
i. Mukama, E., Kagwesage, A. M., Uwizeye, D., & Ndikubwimana, J. B. (2019). Gutoranya Itsinda Nkeshwamakuru. In E. Mukama & L. Nkusi (Eds.), Ubushakashatsi mu Bumenyi Nyamuntu n ’ Imibanire y ’ Abantu (pp. 92–101). Cape Town, South Africa: African Minds Publishers. ISBN: 9781928331971
ii. Masanja VG., DeSilva NL., Uwizeye D., Niragire F. (2011). Empowering Women in Research: The Case of the National University of Rwanda. Stockholm, Sweden: Grafiska Punkten Malmö. ISBN 978-91-978436-5-2. Page 4 of 10 3.4
Technical reports and Thesis
i. Glinski, A., Farley, K., Bourgault, S., & Uwizeye, D. (2018). Inyenyeri Clean Cooking Pilot in Kigeme Refugee Camp: Social Impact Assessment (Technical research report for International Center for Research on Women and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstove). Retrieved from https://www.cleancookingalliance.org/resources/552.html
ii. Uwizeye D. (2015). Demographic and Environmental Factors Associated with the Prevalence of Diarrhoea in Huye Urban Informal Settlements, Rwanda. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Dar es Salaam-Tanzania.
iii. Mathai JA., Munyanziza E., Barayandema J., Nyamurinda B., Uwizeye D., and Naramabuye FX. (2010). Training Manual for Farming Cooperative Managers in Rwanda. Butare: Centre for Environment, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Development: National University of Rwanda. Technical Report. 3.5
1. Uwizeye D. (September 25, 2019). Pastoralism: An African population phenomenon that needs the attention of researchers. Blogs, APHRC. https://aphrc.org/blogarticle/pastoralism-anafrican-population-phenomeno...
2. Uwizeye D. (October 12, 2020). CARTA fellowship builds collaborative research output between early-career health researchers in Africa. Blogs, CARTA at 10. https://cartafrica.org/carta-fellowship-builds-collaborative-research-ou...