Prof.Uwizeye Dieudonne

Academic rank: 
Academic Leadership Position: 
Head of Department
Published Papers : 

"Under review 
i. Kanyange R., Uwizeye D., Ghasi Razak, (under review). ""Leaving no one behind”: A qualitative study of Barriers to healthcare access among the urban poor in Kigali, Rwanda"" Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. (Manuscript ID: JHCPU-Sep-2020-OP-0577). 
Published papers 
i. Niragire, F., Ndikumana, C., Nyirahabimana, M.G. and Uwizeye D. (2021). Prevalence and factors associated with fertility desire among HIV-positive women in Rwanda in the context of improved life expectancy. Arch Public Health 79, 209. 00742-w  
ii. Uwizeye, D., Karimi, F., Thiong, C., Syonguvi, J., Ochieng, V., Kiroro, F. M., Gateri, A., Khisa, A. M., & Wao, H. (2021). Factors associated with research productivity in higher education institutions in Africa : a systematic review. AAS Open Research, 2021 May 26;4:26.     
iii. Kantarama E., Uwizeye D., & Mselle T. (2021). Microalbuminuria among Type 2 Diabetes Patients at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences. Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.4 No.1, March 2021 Page 3 of 10 
iv. Doughty, K., Uwizeye, D., & Uwimana, E. (2021). Methane Extraction on Lake Kivu: Green Extractive Humanitarianism. African Studies Review, 1–24. 
v. Uwizeye, D., Irambeshya, A., & Wiehler, S. (2020). Poverty profile and efforts to access basic household needs in an emerging city : a mixed- method study in Kigali’ s informal urban settlements , Rwanda. Cities & Health, 00(00), 1–15. 
vi. Uwizeye, D., Muhayiteto, R., Wiehler, S., Kantarama, E., & Murangwa, Y. (2020). Prevalence of Teenage Pregnancy and the Associated Contextual Correlates in Rwanda. Heliyon, an Elsevier Journal. 
vii. Uwizeye D, Karimi F, Otukpa E, Ngware MW, Wao H, Igumbor JO & Fonn S (2020). Increasing collaborative research output between early-career health researchers in Africa: lessons from the CARTA fellowship program. Global Health Action, 13(1). 
viii. Igumbor, J. O., Bosire, E. N., Basera, T. J., Uwizeye, D., Fayehun, O., Wao, H., … Fonn, S. (2020). CARTA fellows’ scientific contribution to the African public and population Health Research agenda (2011 to 2018). BMC Public Health, 1–9.
ix. Uwizeye, D. & Sokoni, CH. (2016). What is missing to ensure improved water use in informal urban settlements? Waterlines Vol. 35 No.4. 3488.2016.026 
x. Uwizeye D., Sokoni CH. & Kabiru CW. (2014). Prevalence and Correlates for Diarrhoea in the Mountainous Informal Settlements of Huye Town, Rwanda. SpringerPlus, 3(745). DOI: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-745 xi. Adedokun B., Nyasulu P., Maseko F., Adedini S., Akinyemi J., Uwizeye D., . . . Otwombe, K. (2014). Sharing Perspectives and Experiences of Doctoral Fellows in the First Cohort of Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa: 2011– 2014. Global Health Action, 7(25127). DOI: 10.3402/gha.v7.25127 3.3 
Book chapter and a book 
i. Mukama, E., Kagwesage, A. M., Uwizeye, D., & Ndikubwimana, J. B. (2019). Gutoranya Itsinda Nkeshwamakuru. In E. Mukama & L. Nkusi (Eds.), Ubushakashatsi mu Bumenyi Nyamuntu n ’ Imibanire y ’ Abantu (pp. 92–101). Cape Town, South Africa: African Minds Publishers. ISBN: 9781928331971 
ii. Masanja VG., DeSilva NL., Uwizeye D., Niragire F. (2011). Empowering Women in Research: The Case of the National University of Rwanda. Stockholm, Sweden: Grafiska Punkten Malmö. ISBN 978-91-978436-5-2. Page 4 of 10 3.4 
Technical reports and Thesis 
i. Glinski, A., Farley, K., Bourgault, S., & Uwizeye, D. (2018). Inyenyeri Clean Cooking Pilot in Kigeme Refugee Camp: Social Impact Assessment (Technical research report for International Center for Research on Women and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstove). Retrieved from 
ii. Uwizeye D. (2015). Demographic and Environmental Factors Associated with the Prevalence of Diarrhoea in Huye Urban Informal Settlements, Rwanda. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Dar es Salaam-Tanzania. 
iii. Mathai JA., Munyanziza E., Barayandema J., Nyamurinda B., Uwizeye D., and Naramabuye FX. (2010). Training Manual for Farming Cooperative Managers in Rwanda. Butare: Centre for Environment, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Development: National University of Rwanda. Technical Report. 3.5 
1. Uwizeye D. (September 25, 2019). Pastoralism: An African population phenomenon that needs the attention of researchers. Blogs, APHRC.
2. Uwizeye D. (October 12, 2020). CARTA fellowship builds collaborative research output between early-career health researchers in Africa. Blogs, CARTA at 10.

Brief profile: 
"Dieudonne Uwizeye is the current Head of the Department of Development Studies, School of Governance, Development and Society at the University of Rwanda since July 1st, 2020. He holds this position after serving for three years as Coordinator for Postgraduate programs at the same School (2016 to 2018). Dieudonne holds a PhD. Degree in Demography obtained in 2015 from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and has a Master's Degree in Development Studies (Kabale University, November 2009) and in Education (California Baptist University, December 2011). He did his Postdoctoral research at the Education and Youth Empowerment of the African Population and Health Research Center (January-December, 2019). His research area is the dimensions of population development including health, resource distribution, population dynamics, gender, and education with a deliberate bias on resource-deprived context. He has published several papers in internationally recognized journals and won a couple of research grants. His teaching portfolio includes undergraduate, Master's and PhD classes and has supervised and mentored over 50 undergraduate, 20 postgraduate and 5 PhD students. Dieudonne speaks and writes English, French, and Swahili with full professional fluency, and uses Kinyarwanda as a native language."
Research Area: 
Determinants of Development process