Academic rank:
Published Papers :
1. 2009, The Role of Kiswahili in the Process of National Development in Rwanda . In Kiswahili Journal-ISBN 0856-0048 X of Dar es Salaam University.
2. 2010, Lexique Trilingue Scolaire de Base: Français- English- Kinyarwanda , University of Rwanda (a book).
3. 2015, Rural Basic Education for All: the Impact of the Language of Instruction on the Quality (Article:iafor.org/issn-2188-112X or iafor.org/archives/proceedings/ECLL/ECLL2014 Pp 91- 102).
4. 2019, How Kinyarwanda and Chinese languages can be effective in Rwando-China cooperation? (In progress)Beijing – China).
5. 2021, Code-switching in the 12 YBE in rural areas: English swarmed by Kinyarwanda in classroom (in progress).
Brief profile:
Dr. PATRICE NTAWIGIRA is an enthusiastic and devoted Language Teacher with excellent communication skills demonstrated by more than 20 years of teaching experience at University of Rwanda. He is a PhD holder in Linguistics, Kiswahili Option, from Dar Es Salaam University, Tanzania. He has a high degree of fluency in Kiswahili, French, Kinyarwanda and English. He has specialized in Kiswahili language by conducting researches on ‘Language use in the Educational system of Rwanda: The case study of Kiswahili’ (PhD thesis) and ‘Language attitudes in education system of Rwanda: the case study of Kiswahili in secondary schools’(MA Dissertation). He is participating in different partnership projects and academic exchanges in East African region. Nowadays, he is conducting a fellowship with the Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)on ‘How Kinyarwanda and Chinese languages can be effective in China –Rwanda relations’.
Research Area:
Kiswahili and Sociolinguistics