Academic rank:
Published Papers :
Available online: https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=hgBUfXgAAAAJ&hl=fr https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5646-956X
He is the coordinator of the Master of Education in Social Sciences (MEd SS) in the College of Education, Quality Assurer of Geography and Social Studies books for Rwanda Education Board (REB), member of Rwanda Urban Planning Institute (RUPI) and Principal Investigator of several research project, Eg: Country Investigator leading the project Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC) http://www.centreforsustainablecities.ac.uk/about/staff-and-partners/vin...
Brief profile:
Dr Vincent Manirakiza is a Senior Lecturer of Geography at the University of Rwanda. He earned a Bachelor of Arts (History – Geography) with Education from the University of Rwanda, and completed both a Masters in Development, Environment and Communities and a PhD in the field of population and development with a specialisation on urbanisation from the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
He has wide research interests including urbanisation and urban studies, development policies, population, education, land and environment issues. His research on Neighbourhoods and inclusive urbanisation focuses on the causal link between urban policies and informal settlement showing the spatial and socio-environmental impacts of urban planning regulations. He is also interested by the concept of “Lifelong Education and sustainable urbanisation” analysing the framework of integrating urban residents in the cities modern dynamics. The interest in rural area is on environment protection and legal land access and ownership. For education, the focus is on teaching methodology involving competence based approach in Geography and social studies.
Research Area:
Human geography, urbanisation and urban studies, development policies, population, education, land and environment issues