Analysis of Electricity Access in South Sudan and Proposed Solutions for Securing Reliable and Affordable Energy
CT Readiness, Implementation, and Trajectory in Higher Education in Rwanda. In Yu, K., & Dlamini, R. (Eds.). (2024). Higher Education ICT Integration in Africa: Readiness, Implementation and Trajectory (1st ed.).
Dataset collected to evaluate the impact of continuous professional development training on Rwandan upper primary and lower secondary mathematics and science teachers’ content knowledge and beliefs.
The engineering students’ use of multiple representations in mechanics problems solving at a selected public university in Rwanda.
Mathematical knowledge for teaching among Rwandan Teacher Training Colleges: data collected for a doctoral program.
Investigating ICT-led engagement with content in science and basic computing subjects of lower secondary schools in Rwanda.
Biology Teachers’ Perception of Impact of Continuous Professional Development Programs in 12-Year Basic Schools in the Kirehe District, Rwanda.
Developing Pre-Service Biology Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge through a TPACK-Based Course
Clicker-integrated instruction and conventional instruction: The comparative evaluations of students’ performances in chemistry.
Utilization of artificial intelligence and machine learning in chemistry education: a critical review.