College of Education(CE)

Rurangirwa Aaron

Alphonse Uworwabayeho et Al.(Dec.2021).Book Chapter: Mathematics Teachers Professional Development Perceived to Improve
Instruction and Learning Outcomes in Rwanda. In book: Mathematics Teaching and Professional Learning in sub-Sahara Africa (pp.151-165)

Ngarambe F. Xavier

Theophile Nsengimana ,Vedaste Mutarutinya et al. Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic in Rwanda: Experience of Postgraduate Students on Language of Instruction, Mathematics and Science Education. Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education 2021, 2(1), ep21009 ISSN 2634-4076 (Online) Research Article

Hakizimana Theoneste

1. T.Hakizimana, I.Uwineza,J. Rubagiza,and J.Uwamahoro. Gender attitudes and Perceptions towards mathematics performance and enrolment in Rwandan secondary schools. Rwanda Journal of Education-Volume4, No2 (2018)
2.T. Hakizimana, On Akivis  algebras of differentiable quasigroups and their associated thee webs, KIST, August  2013
3. T.Hakizimana, L.L. Yadav and J.D Baziruwiha. Science Teaching and learning Through Distance training programme. Viva Books Private Limited, New Delhi, 2006
4.T. Hakizimana. On the geometry of Hexagonal three- web, Butare, UNR,June 1993