Nsabumuremyi Léonce

Academic rank: 
Published Papers : 

Perceptions et Motivation Des Élèves Et Des Enseignants Sur L’enseignement-Apprentissage Du Français Au Rwanda (EASJEHL, vol 3, sept 2020) ; The Socio-didactic Function of Oral Literary Genres : A ParemiologicalPerspectivismof Selected Ethical Proverbs(IJLLT, vol 2, march 2019). He is working now on : De l'évaluation des acquis en classe de FLE: enjeux et perspectives.

Brief profile: 
NSABUMUREMYI Léonceis an Assistant Lecturer at University of Rwanda, College of Education, Department of Humanities and Language Education since 2009. He has a Master’s Degree in Linguistics from Université de Rouen and a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics from UniversitéNationale du Rwanda.He teaches French related modules. His domains of interest and research are Linguistics and Didactic of languages, especially French.
Research Area: 
Language and linguistics, French language education