Public Law
Prof.BIKESHA Denis
Marie Rose Turamwishimiye
“Implementing the Plant Treaty’s multilateral system of access and benefit-sharing in Rwanda: Background analysis, recommendations and draft legal text for consideration, 2018, Bioversity International, Rome and Rwanda Agriculture Board, Kigali”.
Naomi Umuhoza
BAGABO Faustin
Co-author with UWIZEYE Judith and UWINEZA Odette of the book on Rwandan law on security interests, Co-author with Dr ZIGIRINSHUTI Felix and UWICYEZA Bernadette of the law of contracts, Problématique de l’application du principe du consensualisme dans le contrat de crédit à la consommation en droit Rwandais.
Published in the ULK Scientific Review n°26. Meaning and application of the principle of lifting the veil of incorporate in Rwandan company law. Published in the ULK scientific review n°22.