Prof. Marie Goretti UMUHOZARIHO

Academic rank: 
Academic Leadership Position: 
Director of Teaching and Learning Enhancement
Published Papers : 

(1) Umuhozariho M.G., Nyirigira A.R., Badege P. and Yongabo P. (2021). Stakeholders’s Perceptions of postharvest losses of Maize in Rwanda: The Main Causes and Potential Solutions. A paper presented in the 3rd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition on 13th-16th September 2021.
(2) Umuhozariho M.G., Hagenimana T., Nsabimana P., Sirimu C., Uwabasa N. and Uwineza A.P. (2020). Effect of Oven and Freeze Drying on Nutritional Composition of Pumpkin (Curcurbita maxima) processed Flour. Rwanda Journal of Agriculutura Sciences. Vol. 2, No 1. AJOL.
(3) Umwiringiyimana T., Kusolwa M.P., Mamiro D.P., Umuhozariho M.G. and Niyonzima J.P.
(4) Mushimiyimana, I., Umuhozariho, M.G. and Maniraho, L. (2019). A statistical Strategy for the Production of Cellulose, Xylanase and Alpha-amylase by Cladospurium Cladosporioide. Fungal Territory 2(2), 16-21.s. 
(5) Nyirigira, A.R., Umuhozariho, M.G. and Rusanganwa, A.C. (2017). Cowpea (vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) Status as Perceived by its Growers in Rwanda. A paper presented in the University of Rwanda International Scientific Conference. Week 14th-16th June 2017. Kigali, Rwanda.
(6) Nyirigira, A.R. and Umuhozariho, M.G. (2017). Sensory Analysis of cassava leaves from Various species and Processing Methods: Logistic and ordered logistic regression approach. A paper presented in the University of Rwanda International Scientific Conference. Week 14th-16th June 2017. Kigali, Rwanda.
(7) Umuhozariho, M. G., Shayo, N. B., Msuya, J. M. and Sallah, P. Y. K. (2014). Assessment of over time changes of moisture, cyanide and selected nutrients of stored dry leaves from three cassava species. African Journal of Biotechnology 13 (42): 4112-4118.
(8) Umuhozariho, M. G., Shayo, N. B., Msuya, J. M. and Sallah, P. Y. K. (2014). Cyanide and selected nutrients content of different preparations of leaves from three cassava species. African Journal of Food Science 8 (3): 122-129.
(9) Umuhozariho, M. G., Shayo, N. B., Msuya, J. M. and Sallah, P. Y. K. (2013). Sensory evaluation of different preparations of cassava leaves from three species as a leafy vegetable. African Journal of Biotechnology 12 (46): 6452-6459.
(10) Umuhozariho, M. G., Shayo, N. B., Msuya, J. M. and Sallah, P. Y. K. (2011). Utilization of cassava leaves as a vegetable in Rwanda. Rwanda   Journal : Agriculture Sciences 24 (Series E) :15-27.
(11) Umuhozariho, M.G. and Lukefar, S.D. (2009). Improving income generation and Nutrition in rural communities through production of small livestock. A paper presented in the National University of Rwanda International Scientific Conference. Week 19th -21st October, 2009. Huye, Rwanda.

Brief profile: 
I am Senior Lecturer in UR, College of Agriculture, Animal Science and Veterinary Medecine. Starting my job in National University of Rwanda, Faculty of Agriculture, in January 2000, I have 22 years of experience in teaching. December 2013, I got my MSc degree from Texas A&M Univesity in the area of Food Science and Technology and 2013, I have been promoted to lecturer level. In November 2014, I got my PhD degree in Food Science and Technology from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania and 2018, I have been promoted to Sinior Lecturer level. As responsibilities, I have been working with Rwanda Bureau of Standards, the actual Rwanda Standards Board, intensively involved in Rwanda food standards development. I have been involved in many projects, working with RAB and food processors for food quality and competitiveness. Since August 2020, I am the acting Director of Teaching and Learning of the College of Agriculture, Animal Science and Veterinari Medicine. Since 2019, I am in Kinazi Board of Directors as Vice Chair of the Board. As researcher, a number of students'researchs haveve been supervised, project funds won and consultances done in the area of Food Science and Technology. My area of research is food postharvest management (food handling and processing).
Research Area: 
Food Postharvest Management (Handling and Processing)