1. Ndizera, V.; Ngarambe, T.; Ntakirutimana, E. (2022). Power Relations in Bible Translation: A sociolinguistic analysis of selected English and Kinyarwanda passages from the book of Genesis. Accepted for Publication in South African Languages Journal of African Languages.
2. Ngarambe, T. (2021). Medical Interpreting in Rwanda: Analysis of challenges and opportunities. In Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved. May, 32 (2): 843-861.
3. Ngarambe, T. (2021). Impact of Dual Specialisation on Students’ Competence: Assessing UR’s Undergraduate Translator and Interpreter Training Programme. In Ndongo-Keller, J., Ntakirutimana, É, Cisse, M.T. and (Mame Thierno) and Van Campenhoudt, M. La traduction et l’interprétation en Afrique subsaharienne: les nouveaux défis d’un espace multilingue =
Translation and Interpretation in Sub-Saharan Africa: New Challenges in
a Multilingual Space. Paris: Éditions des archives contemporaines. ISBN 9782813003898. Online available from: https://eac.ac/books/9782813003898.
4. Ngarambe, T.; Mulindahabi, C. and Mukama, E. (2019). Iyoboramikorere: Ikusanyamakuru n’isesenguramakuru. In Mukama, E. and Nkusi, L. (2019). Ubushakashatsi mu Bumenyi Nyamuntu n’Imibanire y’Abantu. Cape Town: African Minds. [102-123].
5. Kateregga, A., Ngarambe, T., Mulindahabi, C., Ruterana, P.C. (2017). Transforming Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in East African Universities from Endangerment to Sustainability: Lessons for Rwanda. In Utafiti: Journal of the College of Arts and Social Sciences, Volume 11 nos. 1&2.
6. Ngarambe, T., Mulindahabi, C., Kateregga, A., Ruterana, P.C. (2018). A paradigm shift approach to transforming Arts and humanities in East African universities from endangerment by. In Rwanda Journal, Series A: Arts and Humanities, Volume 3(1).
7. Ruterana, P.C., Kateregga, A, Mulindahabi, C, Ngarambe, T. (2017). Stakeholders’ Perceptions on Teaching and Learning Arts and Humanities in East Africa: Rwanda’s Stake. In Rwanda Journal, Series A: Arts and Humanities, Volume 2(1).
8. Ngarambe, T. (2015). Practical Challenges in Customary Law Translation: The Case of Rwanda’s Gacaca Law. A book published in Addis Ababa by OSSREA.
9. Ngarambe, T. (2013). La traduction des aspects juridiques de la loi gacaca: Regards croisés. Article published in the journal Équivalences (2013) by Éditions du Hazard, Brussels.
10. Kateregga, A., Mulindahabi, C. and Ngarambe, T. (2012). Enhancing the “Culture of Reading” as a Tool for Public Policy Implementation in Rwanda. A book chapter in Analysis and strategies for improving productivity of integrated farming systems of southern Rwanda. Stockholm: Nordic ePublisher. ISBN 978-91-978436-4-5. Online available from: https://download.e-bookshelf.de/download/0000/8351/17/L-X-0000835117-000...
11. Kateregga, A., Nkulikiye, S. and Ngarambe, T. (2010). Maguru ya Sarwaya
Published by MK Publishers Kampala in 2010 (ISBN 997004509-1).
12. Kateregga, A., Nkulikiye, S. and Ngarambe, T. (2010). The Adventures of Bakame.
Published by MK Publishers Kampala 2010 (ISBN 997004510-5).
13. Kateregga, A., Nkulikiye, S. and Ngarambe, T. (2010). The Adventurers of Nyakabwana and Nyirangwe. Published by MK Publishers Kampala in 2010 ISBN 997004513-X.
14. Kateregga, A., Nkulikiye, S. and Ngarambe, T. (2010). La flute de Kanyamasyo : Contes du Rwanda. Published by Harmattan, Paris, France in 2010 ISBN 978-2-296-13997-8.