Academic rank:
Published Papers :
1.Uwineza, I., Rubagiza, J., Hakizimana, T., & Uwamahoro, J. (2018). Gender attitudes and perceptions towards mathematics performance and enrolment in Rwandan secondary schools. Rwandan Journal of Education, 4(2), 44-56.
2. Bowden, R., Uwineza, I., Dushimimana, J. C., & Uworwabayeho, A. (2022). Learner-centred education and English medium instruction: policies in practice in a lower-secondary mathematics class in rural Rwanda. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 1-20.
Brief profile:
Innocente Uwineza holds a masters degree in Mathematics Education/Curriculum and Instructions. She is an assistant lecturer of mathematics education in the Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education (ECPE) at the University of Rwanda-College of Education. She develops teaching modules and facilitates face to face and online CPD training for secondary school teachers. Innocente is a member of the African Centre of Excellence in Innovative Teaching and Learning (ACEITLMS). Besides, she is a PhD student at the University of Rwanda, College of education and her research focuses on ICT in basic mathematics education.
Research Area:
Mathematics education with ICT and/or gender components