Academic rank:
Published Papers :
Nsabumuremyi, L., Rugigana, A. & Ndayambaje F. (2020).Perceptions et Motivation Des Élèves Et Des Enseignants Sur L’enseignement-Apprentissage Du Français Au Rwanda. East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, 3(9), 478-484.DOI: 10.36349/EASJEHL.2020.v03i09.005
Brief profile:
NDAYAMBAJE Froduald is Assistant Lecturer of Education UR-CE-School of Education. He holds a Masters Degree in Education Management, Planning and Administration. He is currently doing a PhD in Education by research in the area of Students’ learning assessment. He has served as (Acting) Head of Department of Education at former Rukara College of Education and UR-CE-School of Lower Secondary Education for four years. He also has a long experience with school administration at school, district and province levels. He has also carried out different consultancy tasks in Professional Development in school leadership and management.
Research Area:
Student learning assessment