Published Papers :
Alphonse Uworwabayeho et Al.(Dec.2021).Book Chapter: Mathematics Teachers Professional Development Perceived to Improve
Instruction and Learning Outcomes in Rwanda. In book: Mathematics Teaching and Professional Learning in sub-Sahara Africa (pp.151-165)
Brief profile:
Mr RURANGIRWA Aaron is an Assistant Lecturer at U R College of Education, Department of Mathematics, Science ana Physical Education, he Holds a Bachelot degree in Physical Education and Sports from University of Burundi (1987), he Holds a post-graduate Certificate in teaching and learning in higher Education from UR College of Education (2011), he Holds also so many Certificates as Instructor in Football and Handball like: "Certificat de Technicien Sportif dans le domaine du Handball" from INSEP / Paris- FRANCE (2002), he did so many courses as Football Referee's Intructor; Referee's tehnical instructotor : Tunisie (2004), Cameroun (2004), Rwanda (2006), Rwanda (2018), Referee's physical fitness lnstructor: Egypt 2008, Rwanda (2010, 2012 & 2013 ), he hold a Certificate on"Organisation d'un événement sportif de dimension international " by CONFEJES , Tunisia 2001.
Research Area:
Physical Education and Sports