Academic rank:
Published Papers :
Njiku, J., Mutarutinya, V., & Maniraho, J. F. (2020). Developing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Survey Items: A Review of Literature. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education.
Brief profile:
Pheneas Nkundabakura is an Associate Prof of Physics at the University of Rwanda r.-College of Education, school of Education, Department of Mathematics, Science and Physical Education where he joined since 2004. He received a B.Sc. from the National University of Rwanda in 1992 and served for about 12 years as Physics and Mathematics teacher in high schools in Rwanda before joining the University of Rwanda College of Education (then Kigali Institute of Education). He received a B.Sc. Honours in Astrophysics in 2005 from the University of Cape Town in the South African Astrophysics and Space Science Programme (NASSP), an M.Sc. in Astrophysics from the University of Free State (South Africa) in 2007. He received his Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the University of Free State (South Africa) in 2011. His thesis was on Potential Blazars among the Unidentified EGRET sources. His current research focuses on multi-wavelength emission from Active Galactic Nuclei particularly Blazars. His research in education focuses on challenges in implementation of the CBC curriculum in Rwanda.
Assoc.Prof. Pheneas Nkundabakura is the author and co-author of a number papers in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings. He is involved in teaching various modules at undegraduate and postgraduate levels at the University of Rwanda where he also supervise many students at Masters level and PhD levels.
Assoc. Prof. PheneasNkundabakura is a member of different research groups such as the Rwanda Astrophysics, Space and Climate Research group (RASCRG), the East African Astronomy Research Network (EAARN), the East African Astronomy society (EAAS), the African Astronomy society (AfAS) and the South African Institute of Physics (SAIP).
Assoc. Prof. PheneasNkundabakura is involved in various projects of Education, namely he is an associate member of the African Center for excellence in Teaching and Learning Maths and Science (ACEITLMS), he is a Coordinator of the regional node of the Maths and Science for Sub-Saharan Africa (MS4SSA) and he is the P.I and Team Leader of the sub-component 1.2 (Professional Development of Maths and Science teachers) of the Rwanda Quality Basic Education for Human Capital Development (QBEHCD).
Research Area:
Astrophysics (2) STEM Education