College of Arts and Social Sciences(CASS)
Co-author with UWIZEYE Judith and UWINEZA Odette of the book on Rwandan law on security interests, Co-author with Dr ZIGIRINSHUTI Felix and UWICYEZA Bernadette of the law of contracts, Problématique de l’application du principe du consensualisme dans le contrat de crédit à la consommation en droit Rwandais.
Published in the ULK Scientific Review n°26. Meaning and application of the principle of lifting the veil of incorporate in Rwandan company law. Published in the ULK scientific review n°22.
A book chapter: matrimonial regimes, in Matrimonial regimes donation and successions. ISBN978-1-64786-260-2., 2020 ;
Consideration of the best interest of the child in divorce proceedings under rwandan family law, case law analysis, Rwanda law journal, issue n0 2 November 2021
P Habimana, ‘The Polarities of Tax Competition’ (2021) The Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 12(2), pp. 314-331; P Habimana, ‘In Search of the Boundaries between Harmless and Harmful Tax Competition’ (2021) Amsterdam Law Forum 13(1), pp. 37-56;
P Habimana, ‘The regulation of harmful tax competition in the EAC: current status, challenges, and ways forward’ (2020) KAS African Law Study Library 7(4), pp. 601-620;
P Habimana, ‘Tax Competition: Global but Virgin under Rwanda Law’ (2020) Recht in Afrika 23(1), pp. 41-55;