School of Economics

Dr.Roger Muremyi

1. Prediction of out-of-pocket health expenditures in Rwanda using machine learning techniques
2. Analysis of the effect of health insurance on health care utilization in Rwanda: a secondary data analysis of Rwanda integrated living condition survey 2016-2017 (EICV 5)

Dr.Mugenzi Martin

The sustainable development of Rwanda. Moscow, U.R.A.P 1999, The agricultural sector as the basis for Rwandan sustainable development. Moscow, 1998, I. N. I .O. N. Russian academy of Sciences no 53274, Industry promotion strategies in Rwanda. Moscow, 1998, I.N.I.O.N. Russian academy of Sciences, no 53273.

Dr Paul Gatabazi

[1] P Gatabazi, G Kabera, JC Mba, E Pindza and SF Melesse (2022).  Cryptocurrencies and     tokens lifetime analysis from 2009 to 2021, Economies, 10 (3) 60.                                                                                          

Aussi Sayinzoga

Sayinzoga, A., Bulte, E. H., & Lensink, R. (2016). Financial literacy and financial behaviour: Experimental evidence from rural Rwanda. The economic journal, 126(594), 1571-1599. 
Sayinzoga, A., & Simson, R. (2006). Monetary policy in Rwanda: A cointegration analysis. South African Journal of Economics, 74(1), 65-78.

Prof.Charles Ruranga

1.    Maniriho, A., Musabanganji, E., Nkikabahizi, F., Ruranga, C., and Lebailly, P. (2021). Analysis of the Determinants of Household Expenditures in Rwanda. UKH Journal of Social Sciences 5 (1): 8-17, June 2021. DOI: 
2.    Ruranga, C. and Hacker, S. (2020). The Determinants of Households Having Savings Accounts in Rwanda. Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Business (ISSN 2708-759X (Print); ISSN 2708-7603(Online), 1 (1): 6-19, July 2020.

Dr. Daniel RUTURWA

1. Book chapters: Ruturwa S.D., Eric Ruvuna and Martin Ruzima (2020). Rwandan Economy at the Crossroads of Development Key Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Perspectives). Chapter 5. Impact of Economic Growth’Effects on Economic Development in Rwanda. Springer Nature Singapore Pte ltd. 2020. Link:  
2. Book: Ruturwa S.D., (2014). Quantitative Methods for Economics. Book for Distance Training programme, Published by University of Rwanda College of Education.Copyright@2014 by University-College of Education


1. Economic Modelling of Capital Market and Sustainable Investment in Rwanda
2. The role of digital solution on economic resilience and growth during COVID-19 pandemic in Rwanda  
3. Impact of Economic integration on Rwanda’s International Trade. A case of East African Community
4. Analyzing and Forecasting electricity consumption in energy intensive industries in Rwanda
5. Effect of Industrialization, technology and Labour efficiency on electricity consumption: Panel data experience of Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya