College of Education(CE)
Gaparayi Gaspard
Kamanzi Francis
Paradise,N.R, Ntawiha, P., Maniraho, J.F., Solange, B.M.M & Francis, K (2020). Reflect Approach for Adult Literacies for Empowering People to Participate in Development; Nairobi: GRG Press.
Ngarukiye Valens
Nsengimana V., Habimana O., Ngarukiye V. (2017). Knowledge, Attitudes and Awareness of Pre-Service Teachers on Biodiversity Conservation in Rwanda. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 12(4), 643-652.
Ndagijimana Jean Baptiste
1) NDAGIJIMANA J.B and J. NYIRAMUJINJA (2014), Teaching methodology of “group work” as technique of teaching learning. Case study of group work as teaching methods used in secondary school, Lap ISBN : 978-3-659-54918-2 1.
2)NDAGIJIMANA J.B. Contribution of group work as active learning methods to the performance of learners, in Research Journal of Education Vol. 4 | No. 8 August | 2016 ISSN 2347-8225
Dorothy Tukahabwa
Dorothy Tukahabwa (2022) Gender and education: Secondary school influences on the development of girls careers in science at university in Rwanda, Lwati: Journal of Contemporary Research, 19(2), 68-83.
Jean Pierre Tuyishime & Dorothy Tukahabwa (2022) The role of practical approach in student engagement in biology. A case of lower secondary schools in Rulindo district, Rwanda, East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 3(3), 129-139.
Nkurikiyumukiza Phocas
Ces orphelins rwandais cheris. A novel in French
Ndagijimana Jean Claude
Prof.Philothere Ntawiha
Musengimana, J., Kampire, E., Ntawiha, P. (2022). Effect of Task-Based Learning on Students’ Understanding of Chemical Reactions Among Selected Rwandan Lower Secondary School Students. Journal of Baltic Science Education. Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022. p-ISSN 1648-3898 e-ISSN 2538-71382. Habyarimana, J.D., Hashakimana, T., Ntawiha, P., Zhou, K. (2022). Quality Education in Rwanda: A Critical Analysis of Quality Indicators IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science. Volume 27, Issue 2, Series 6 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.