
Dr. Didace Ndahimana

1) Ndahimana D , Kim YJ , Wang CS, Kim EK.  Energy cost of walking in older adults: accuracy of the ActiGraph accelerometer predictive equations. Nutr Res Pract. 2022;16:e9
2) Park KW, Go NY, Jeon JH, Ndahimana D, Ishikawa-Takata K, Park J, Kim EK. Accuracy of the 24-hour diet recall method to determine energy intake in elderly women compared with the doubly labeled water method. J Nutr Health 2020;53(5):476-87. 

Dr. Mushimiyimana Emmanuel

1. Mulinda, C.K., Gisaro, M. Y., Mushimiyimana, E. (2019) A history of technological innovations of Gakinjiro wood and metal workshops, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 11:1, 85-95, DOI: 10.1080/20421338.1550928.

2. Mushimiyimana, E. (2017) “An assessment of the Contribution of Mineral Exports to Rwanda’s Total Exports”. In: Heshmati A. (eds) Studies on Economic Development and Growth in Selected African Countries. Frontiers in African Business Research. Springer, Singapore

Janvier Murenzi

1. Anne Marie Kagwesage, A. M; Mulinda, Charles Kabwete, Kambanda, Safari  & Murenzi, Janvier. (2020). Reflections of Rwandan Mature Women Students on the Contribution of University Studies in Improving Individual and Community Lives. Journal of Popular Education in Africa. 4(10), 133 – 148. (ISSN 2523-2800 (online)). My individual contribution: co-author.

Jules M. Rubyutsa

"1) Masengesho, K., and Rubyutsa, M., J., (2018). When African tradition feeds on modern accountability mechanisms in public policy implementation: the case of ""Imihigo"", Public Performance and Management Review, pp 1-25. 
2) Rubyutsa, M., J., (2012). Role of Diaspora remittances in the development: The case of Rwandan Diaspora’ remittances, Rwanda Journal, Vol.26, Series B: Social Sciences


(1) Musabyimana, T. (2020). Coexistence Between Citizen Journalism and Professional Journalism in Rwanda: A Study of Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (RBA), Radio and TV 10, Radio Huguka, Radio Salus, The New Times and Igihe.com. African Journal of Communication 3(1) 


Co-author with UWIZEYE Judith and UWINEZA Odette of the book on Rwandan law on security interests, Co-author with Dr ZIGIRINSHUTI Felix and UWICYEZA Bernadette of the law of contracts, Problématique de l’application du principe du consensualisme dans le contrat de crédit à la consommation en droit Rwandais.

Published in the ULK  Scientific Review n°26.  Meaning and application of the principle of lifting the veil of incorporate in Rwandan company law. Published in the ULK scientific review n°22.