Assistant Lecturer

Josephine Uzayisenga

1. Identifying Adolescent Reproductive Health Issues among Adolescents in Nyanza District. Rwanda , International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 

2.Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude towards Diabetes Mellitus among Type 2 Diabetes Patients Attending Biryogo Health Center ,International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications.

Prettyosa Muyambi Kusemwa

Kusemwa et al (2017) Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision uptake: a concept analysis. Volume-2 | Issue-11 | November, 2017 | Paper-1. IJRDO-Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing. ISSN: 2456-298X.                                                              Knowledge of gestational diabetes mellitus and self-care practices among pregnant women aged 18-45 years; attending ANC at Chitungwiza central hospital;published in September 2018 ECDMR-02-00036.