Assistant Lecturer

Benegusenga Alphonse

1. Teacher qualification and teaching techniques in nursery schools in Kicukiro district, Kigali, Rwanda, in Rwandan Journal of Education
2. Gender Equity in Rwanda: What remains a stumbling block to full realization of gender parity in education? In Kibogora Poliytechnic Scientific Journal
3. Using structured learning e-journals as a formative e-assessment strategy: Guiding student-teachers to reflect on their learning through the mirror, microscope, and binoculars.

Jean Marie Vianney Habumuremyi

1. Textbook availability and use in Rwandan basic education: A mixed-methods study in International Journal of Educational Development, vol.54, May 2017, Pages 1-7. Elsevier B.V.                                      2. Blended Mode at Work or a U-turn Ahead? Case of Professional Learning Communities in Rwanda. Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education, 5(2), 60 – 67.

Mushimiyimana Jean Baptiste

1. Exploration of NT Empowerment Approaches via Induction.

2. Online learning during covid-19 pandemic in Rwanda experience of postgraduate students on language.

3. Blended Mode at Work or a U turn Ahead Case of 3 Professional Learning Communities in Rwanda.

4. ICT Integration in Educational curriculum in Higher Education: Challenges and opportunities in the University
of Rwanda-College of Education.   

Celestin SIRIMU

1. Sirimu Celestin, S.S Thorat2, R.J Desale and U.D Chavan (2015). Effect of Milk Supplementation with Fructooligosaccharides and Inulin on Viable Counts of Probiotic Bacteria in Goat and Cow Milk Yoghurts. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) e-ISSN: 2319-2402, p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 9, Issue 7 Ver. I (July. 2015), PP 06-12.


1.    Byung-Soo Chun, Seung-Chan Lee, Truc Cong Ho, Jean Bosco Micomyiza, Jin-Seok Park, Hee-Jeong Lee * Subcritical water treatment of Comb Pen shell (Atrina pectinata) edible parts to produce amino acids high-value products, marine drugs-1719565

Rose Kambabazi

1.  Kambabazi M.R., Okoth M.W., Ngala S, Njue L. and Vasanthakaalam H. (2022). Physicochemical properties and sensory evaluation of a bean-based composite soup flour. Legume Science. 3(139): 1-10.             2. Kambabazi M.R., Okoth M.W., Ngala S, Njue L. and Vasanthakaalam H. (2021). Evaluation of nutrient content in Red Kidney Beans, Amaranth leaves, Sweet potato roots and Carrots cultivated in Rwanda. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. 21(4): 17801 – 17814.