Assistant Lecturer
Musemakweli Phocas
Raymond Mwesigye
Kamanzi Francis
Paradise,N.R, Ntawiha, P., Maniraho, J.F., Solange, B.M.M & Francis, K (2020). Reflect Approach for Adult Literacies for Empowering People to Participate in Development; Nairobi: GRG Press.
Ngarukiye Valens
Nsengimana V., Habimana O., Ngarukiye V. (2017). Knowledge, Attitudes and Awareness of Pre-Service Teachers on Biodiversity Conservation in Rwanda. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 12(4), 643-652.
Dorothy Tukahabwa
Dorothy Tukahabwa (2022) Gender and education: Secondary school influences on the development of girls careers in science at university in Rwanda, Lwati: Journal of Contemporary Research, 19(2), 68-83.
Jean Pierre Tuyishime & Dorothy Tukahabwa (2022) The role of practical approach in student engagement in biology. A case of lower secondary schools in Rulindo district, Rwanda, East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 3(3), 129-139.
Ndagijimana Jean Claude
Kamanzi Alicadi
Manirakiza Evariste
1) Manirakiza, E., Mugirase, G., & Hakizimana, I. (2021). Reflecting on the Nature and Causes of Errors in Second Language Learning and their Classroom Implications. European Journal of Teaching and Education, 3(4), 18-28.
2) Manirakiza, E., & Hakizimana, I. (2020). Engaging Students in Error Analysis and Correction: A learner-Centered Approach to Improving Linguistic Accuracy. European Journal of Teaching and Education, 2(3), 35-49.