Nkurikiyumukiza Phocas
Ces orphelins rwandais cheris. A novel in French
Ces orphelins rwandais cheris. A novel in French
Musengimana, J., Kampire, E., Ntawiha, P. (2022). Effect of Task-Based Learning on Students’ Understanding of Chemical Reactions Among Selected Rwandan Lower Secondary School Students. Journal of Baltic Science Education. Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022. p-ISSN 1648-3898 e-ISSN 2538-71382. Habyarimana, J.D., Hashakimana, T., Ntawiha, P., Zhou, K. (2022). Quality Education in Rwanda: A Critical Analysis of Quality Indicators IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science. Volume 27, Issue 2, Series 6 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.
Nsabumuremyi, L., Rugigana, A. & Ndayambaje F. (2020).Perceptions et Motivation Des Élèves Et Des Enseignants Sur L’enseignement-Apprentissage Du Français Au Rwanda. East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, 3(9), 478-484.DOI: 10.36349/EASJEHL.2020.v03i09.005
REFLECT Approach to Adult Literacies for Empowering People to Participe in Development
1. Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction: A Reflective Experience of Secondary School Teachers in Rwanda; 2. Monitoring and Evaluation Practices and
Academic Staff Motivation: Implications
in Higher Education Within Rwandan
Context; 3. ICT Integration in Educational curriculum in Higher
Education: Challenges and opportunities in the University
of Rwanda-College of Education
1. Nzahabwanayo, S. (ongoing). Citizenship and values education in Rwanda: The need for critical, democratic and cosmopolitan citizenship. The manuscript to be submitted to Routledge very soon.