Associate Professor

Prof.Darius Gishoma

•    Gishoma, D., & Brackelaire, J. L. (2008). Quand le corps abrite l'inconcevable. Cahiers de psychologie clinique, (1), 159-183.
•    Gishoma, D., Brackelaire, J. L., Munyandamutsa, N., Mujawayezu, J., Mohand, A. A., & Kayiteshonga,
Y. (2014). Supportive-expressive group therapy for people experiencing collective traumatic crisis during the genocide commemoration period in Rwanda: Impact and implications. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2(1), 469-488.

Prof.Jolly M. Rubagiza

"•    Rubagiza, J., Umutoni, J., Iyakaremye, I. (Forthcoming) Gender related intricacies that influence female students’ participation at Higher Education in Rwanda. International Journal of African Higher Education

•    Innocente Uwineza, Rubagiza, J., Theoneste Hakizimana, Jean Uwamahoro. (2018) Gender attitudes and perceptions towards mathematics performance and enrolment in Rwandan secondary schools. Rwandan Journal of Education –Volume 4 –No 2 (2018)

Prof.Masabo Francois

Recent publications are: 
1) « healing fractured lives: reconciliation and reintegration in Rwanda, in 2012, (ISBN 978-1-906677-96-1); 
2) Educating about the History of Genocides in Rwanda in Fracapane Karel and Matthias Haß, 2014, Holocaust education in a global context, UNESCO, pp 129-134. (ISBN 978-92-3-100042-3);