Prof.Mugabo Leon
Blended mode at work or a U-turn ahead ? Case of professional
Blended mode at work or a U-turn ahead ? Case of professional
(1) Kagwesage, A.M., Kabwete,C., Safari, K., and Murenzi, J. (2020). Reflections of Rwandan Mature Women Students on the Contribution of University Studies in Improving Individual and Community Lives. Journal of Popular Education in Africa. 4(10), 133-148.
(2) Kabwete, C., Kagwesage, A.M., Safari, K., and Murenzi, J. (2020). Fighting intellectual marginalisation through critical thinking: A glimpse at mature women's tertiary education in Rwanda. Research in Post-compulsory Education. 25 (1), 69-90.
(1) Umuhozariho M.G., Nyirigira A.R., Badege P. and Yongabo P. (2021). Stakeholders’s Perceptions of postharvest losses of Maize in Rwanda: The Main Causes and Potential Solutions. A paper presented in the 3rd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition on 13th-16th September 2021.
(2) Umuhozariho M.G., Hagenimana T., Nsabimana P., Sirimu C., Uwabasa N. and Uwineza A.P. (2020). Effect of Oven and Freeze Drying on Nutritional Composition of Pumpkin (Curcurbita maxima) processed Flour. Rwanda Journal of Agriculutura Sciences. Vol. 2, No 1. AJOL.
"1) R. Nkaka & C. Kabwete (2020), “Sacred Kingship and Political Power in Ancient Rwanda”
Rwanda Journal of Social Sciences. Humanities and Business, Vol.1, no 1 Main author
2) R. Nkaka & C. Kabwete, (2017) “Royauté sacrée et Pouvoir Politique dans l’ancien. Main author
Rwanda”, Afrika Zamani journal
"Under review
i. Kanyange R., Uwizeye D., Ghasi Razak, (under review). ""Leaving no one behind”: A qualitative study of Barriers to healthcare access among the urban poor in Kigali, Rwanda"" Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. (Manuscript ID: JHCPU-Sep-2020-OP-0577).
Published papers
Parsons, Danny, David Stern, Denis Ndanguza, and Mouhamadou Bamba Sylla. 2022. "Evaluation of Satellite-Based Air Temperature Estimates at Eight Diverse Sites in Africa" Climate 10, no. 7: 98.
Denis Ndanguza, Edmond Kazungu Mudahogora. Modeling the Rwanda Exchange Rates by GARCH Models. Afr. J. Appl. Stat. 8 (1) 1127 - 1145, January 2021.
"1. I. Mahara, C. Kurujyibwami and V. Nyagahakwa, Light--like parallel vector fields and Einstein equations of gravity,
2. J.D. Maniraguha, K. Marciniak and C. Kurujyibwami, Transforming St\""ackel Hamiltonians of Benenti
type to polynomial form, arXiv:2101.00444v1, 16 pp,
3.. Kurujyibwami and R.O. Popovych, Equivalence groupoids and group classification of multidimensional nonlinear Schr\""odinger equations, {\it J. Math. Anal. Appl.} {\bf 491} (2020), arXiv:2003.02781, 35pp arXiv:2104.03805, 9 pp,